MERF 3.2 (Código: MERF32)

Precio: 52.00 €
Accesos: 8100
Incl. 21 % I.V.A.

Multifunction programmable 3rd generation MOSFET. The system has as much as 10 functions. Its latest feature is the 3-rd Burst Mode, which allows for limiting the number of shots. The system allows for lossless rate of fire adjustment; it protects state-of-the-art Li-Ion batteries: LiPoly and LiFePO4; it has a built-in active brake; and it protects contacts against damage. The Smart Trigger function enables achieving faster trigger response. Thanks to two operating modes, the system works with both the original and the modified AEG installation. The system is designed for all replicas and especially for the upgraded ones. It has been adapted to work even with the most powerful springs, including M170.




Key functions:

  • Standard MOSFET function
  • Active brake
  • Over-voltage protection for Li-Poly/Li-Ion/LiFePO4/NiCd batteries
  • Short-circuit protection
  • Thermal protection
  • Programming
  • Rate of fire adjustment
  • 3-rd Burst Mode
  • Smart Trigger
  • Operating modes:
    • Plug&Play Mode is not necessary to modify original installation.
    • Enhanced mode. Trigger contacts connected to the system.




Do you want to achieve a higher rate of fire and faster trigger response? Are you planning a power upgrade of your rifle? In that case, you need a MOSFET.

It targets the energy from the battery directly to the motor, bypassing the mechanical trigger contacts. As a result, you will gain higher rate of fire of the rifle and a faster trigger response, and the contacts will be protected against burn out.


Active Brake

Do you care about realism? Would you like to increase the life of the gearbox? Does your rifle have such high rate of fire that you are not able to make a single shot? Active brake will sort things out.

In SEMI Mode, the brake will not allow for compressing the piston after a shot. The piston will stop in front position which eliminates unnecessary stresses, increasing the service life of Gearbox and its parts. It is very important, especially with an AEG power upgrade.

After releasing the trigger, the rifle immediately stops shooting. Thus, you will gain more realism and, additionally, won’t lose your precious ammunition.


Electronic Fuse

A new MOSFET will never let you down on the battlefield. It is totally protected against overheating and short-circuits of the electrical system. In case of the rifle becoming jammed, it will protect the motor and the battery against any damage.


Protection against Over-Discharge of Battery

Modern LiPoly batteries are very sensitive to over-discharge. If you do not want to damage the battery and you care about its service life, this protection is indispensable. Microprocessor will constantly watch over the battery voltage. When it drops down to critical value, it will not permit to make a shoot.


Digital Interface

It provides full compatibility with micro-switches. It is fully resistant to contact bounce. You gain a bigger ROF, faster trigger response and your MOSFET becomes less heated.


MOSFET of the 3rd Generation

Usage of most modern transistors and microcontroller enabled us to create the smallest and most reliable MOSFET in the market.

WE GUARANTEE that the MOSFET will work with the strongest AEG replicas. If you damage the MOSFET, we will reimburse you for 100% of your costs or replace it with a new one at our expense.


Rate of Fire Control

It enables lossless reduction of the rifle’s rate of fire. Adjustment is possible within the range of 30% up to 100%.


Smart Trigger

We know how vital the fast trigger response is during combat. Victory is often a matter of fractions of seconds. This is why we have developed the Smart Trigger function. This function enables you to achieve faster trigger response.

It works with the ROF Control system. During the first shot, the microprocessor sets ROF Control to 100%. After the first shot, it is switched to the previously programmed value, e.g. 30%. As a consequence, the first shot is fired with full rate of fire, and subsequent ones with a reduced ROF. The best results can be achieved by using a battery with higher voltage than a standard one. For example, if we use a 7.4V battery, we can change it to 11.1V. In this way, we will achieve faster trigger response with the same rate of fire as with a standard battery.


3-rd Burst Mode

Burst mode enables you to make 3-shot series. In this way you can save ammunition and increase the realism. You can change AUTO mode to BURST mode or SEMI* mode to BURST mode.

If in SAFE/SEMI/BURST mode you release the trigger earlier, you can make one or two shots. The burst time is set in the menu with accuracy to 4ms. The processor actively compensates for the change in burst time with a decrease in the rate of fire due to battery discharging.

*SEMI to BURST in enhanced mode only


Operating Modes

You can connect the system to a rifle in two ways. Depending on the selected method, you should set a proper operating mode: Plug&Play or Enhanced

Plug&Play: All you need to do is connect the system between the battery and the rifle.

Enhanced Mode: It requires modification of AEG installation. We connect trigger contacts to MERF. We can do it using the signal wire attached to the kit.



  • The system operates properly within a wide range of voltages: 3.2 - 15V
  • Compatible with the most powerful AEG replicas. It withstands continuous fire with the use of M170 spring and single shots with M210.
  • Very simple assembly
  • Comprehensive protections
  • Very low current consumption in standby mode (0.15mA)
  • Very low resistance of the whole system (2.4mΩ)
  • Compatible with all types of GearBox
  • 4 LED Display
  • DEANS-T Connectors

 Included in the kit:

  • Additional kit of Deans-T Connectors
  • Single signal wire for trigger contacts
  • Double signal wire for trigger contacts
  • System programming button







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